The Relic Tongue of St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231)
Most relics when originally issued are accompanied by a document of
authentication warranting the veneration of the relic. Dealers like to
make much of these if they have them, stressing facts such as the number
of tassels on the seal (an heraldic device which has nothing to do with
the relic or the degree of authority attached to the authentication).
But the dealers, it seems, cannot read Latin, or they would realize that
the document is more than just a guarantee of authenticity. It is a
legal document which probably constitutes a contract, as it usually
contains a clause stating that the relic may be kept by the person to
whom it is given, or given to another, in accordance with the norms of
ecclesiastical law (which forbids the sale of relics). Now, you don’t
have to sign anything to be party to a contract - for example, when you
break the seal on a packet of software you are automatically bound by
the conditions of use. Likewise anyone who accepts a relic accepts the
conditions stated in the accompanying document. On the document
there is a variety of useful and necessary information. On the top of
the document is the name of the ecclesiastic who has authenticated the
relic as genuine, this could be the Postulator General of the religious
order whose logo appears or, the Vicar General. Next is what is
usually written in Latin. The English translation is: "To all and any
who will read this document. We, the Pro-Postulator in the Cause of
(Beatification and) Canonization of ___________________ guarantee and
testify that from the authentic Relics, which are preserved, we have
extracted a particle from ___________ of the same ________________ and
have placed it in a ______ _________ case covered by crystal, bound by
red colored thread and sealed with the seal of our office." Rome ( Date ) Signature [Seal] This
document is a public acclamation as to the authenticity of the relic
itself, of which a high ranking ecclesiastic has signed his name. Typed
or hand written into the blank areas are the name and abbreviation of
the cause of their sainthood and the individuals station in religious
life, as well as any distinction of honor that the Church has placed on
them posthumously. There is also a description of the relic itself,
(described below) and a description of the locket or reliquary that it
is placed in. On the bottom of the authentic is the date of issuance,
the seal of the office, registrar number and the signature of the
authenticator. Underneath the back cover of the relic locket
there is a seal of red wax. The relic itself is held in place in the
locket by threads that cross over it. The threads are fed through the
walls of the locket on opposing sides and it is sealed shut with a wax
seal bearing the insignia of issuing religious authority and their
order’s initials. This seal and it's locking procedure, (threads and
seal) should never under any circumstances be broken. It protects the
integrity and validity of the authentication. Even if the papers are
lost and the seal is intact it is difficult but not impossible to have
new papers generated in Rome. In the process of trying to
identify the specific relic you have accompanied by the document you
will find that the explanation will be in Latin. Below is a glossary
with the definitions of the most commonly used words:
arca mortuaria - mortuary box, container arca sepulerali- coffin breviario – breviary coronse spinse D.N.J.C. - crown of thorns of Our Lord Jesus Christ [cravio] corporis – body de velo - from the veil domini nostri jesu christi, D.N.J.C. - Our Lord Jesus Christ domo – house ex bireto - from the biretta ex capillus - from the hair ex carne - from the flesh ex cineribus - from the ashes ex indumento - from the clothing ex
ligneo pulvere, mixto pulveri corporis, quem residuum continebat prima
capsa funeralis - from the remains of the wood, mixed with the dust of
the body, the residue of which was contained in the first box, [or
sarcophagus] ex ossibus - from the bones ex praecordis - from the stomach or intestines ex praesepis - birthplace of D.N.J.C. ex pelle - from the skin ex pluviali - cope [ cloak wore for Benediction ] ex sportula - from the little basket ex stipite affixionis - probably means "from the whipping post" ex strato - from the covering [ blanket ] ex tela serica quae tetigit cor - from the silk cloth which touched the heart ex tunica - from the tunic
if Third Class, it is Called: ex brandea (cloth touched to the tomb or relics.) There are initials that follow the name to which the relic belongs: AP. – Apostle C. – Confessor D. - Doctor of the Churc E. – Bishop EV. – Evangelist F. - Founder of Order Lev. – Deacon M. – Martyr Poen. – Penitent PP. – Pope Reg. - King or Queen V. – Virgin Vid. – Widow The
next important step is to the classification of the relic itself. There
are three classes of relics; 1st class, 2nd class, and 3rd class. [
1st class ] First class relics are parts of the bodies of the saints,
such as fragments of bone, skin, blood, hair or ash, or the instruments
of Our Lord's Passion such as the True Cross. Nothing else whatever is a
first class relic, and strictly speaking only these are canonically
entitled to be called relics at all. [ 2nd class ] Objects that
have come in physical contact with living Saints and are thereby
sanctified ( for instance, the instruments wherewith a martyr has been
tortured, the chains by which he was bound, the clothes he wore, objects
he used). [ 3rd class ] Bits of cloth touched to an actual 1st or 2nd class relic. Marian Relics Since
the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed bodily into heaven we do not
possess any first class relics of her with the exception perhaps of some
hair. "Parts of Mary’s hair were claimed to be in the Messina Cathedral
in Sicily, after being brought to Piazza, Sicily, by the Crusaders;
various other places also claimed this relic." Pope Gregory the
Great (590-604) allegedly had hair of Mary and so did Pope Sergius II,
which is now enshrined in Emmerich/Germany. There are still several
other places where Mary’s hair is reportedly venerated: in 1148 in Saint
Eucharius-Matthias and in 1209 in Saint Mary of the Martyrs in Trier as
well as in 1170 in the Cistercian Abbey of Himmerode and in 1282 in the
Benedictine Monastery of Prüfening; all of these sites are in Germany.
In 1283 Mary’s hair has been deposited in a reliquary at the Augustinian
Monastery in Ranshofen, Austria as well as in Linköping, Sweden. Among
the secondary relics whose authenticity is naturally dubious a variety
of items is known:Mary’s garment and cincture/sash are considered among
the most significant Marian relics. The Byzantine Church celebrates a
feast in commemoration of the translation of the cincture to
Constantinople (Calcopratreia Church and later to Blacherne Church) on
August 31st the last day of the Byzantine Year. The feast of the
deposition of Mary’s vestment/garment is celebrated in the Byzantine
Rite on July 2nd. A Letter supposedly sent by Mary to the first
Christians of Messina. Investigations have shown that its actual author
was Constantine Laskaris in the 15th century. Another letter written to
Mary by Saint Ignatius of Antioch and her response proved to be forged. Mary’s engagement ring is venerated in Perugia/Italy and her wedding ring in Weihenlinden/Germany. There
are a number of Mary’s veils, which are highly acclaimed. The oldest
known originated in Constantinople and belonged to Charlemagne. Later
Charles II (the Bald) gave it to the Cathedral at Chartres/France in
877. There are also veil relics in Brixen/Italy, as well as in churches
in Cologne and Mainz/Germany and in Prague. Mary’s shoes were venerated at the Cistercian Abbey Maria Ophoven. However they were stolen in 1826 and never found again. In
a wider sense places in the Holy Land where the Blessed Virgin Mary
lived as well as the House of Loreto in Italy are esteemed as secondary
relics. Pilgrims to the Holy Land and participants in the
crusades obtained these and other relics as souvenirs. References from
the 6th century for example give testimony of a stone on which Mary
supposedly rested while fleeing to Egypt, of a tree, which gave shade to
the Holy Family while in Egypt and of a chair on which Mary sat during
the Annunciation. Other relics were rendered through legends as for
example Mary’s comb and a vessel she used to offer a drink to Baby
Jesus. We cannot dismiss them as fake. Should a Catholic venerate as a
relic some object, which is not authentic, such devotion is at least
well meant, and always reverently directed towards the one whom the
object is believed to represent. "In the final analysis, the most
important relic of Mary that we have is a spiritual one – her abiding
influence on Christians over the centuries and her comforting presence
to us through her Divine Son." The Sale of Relics Simony
(SAI-muh-nee) - The selling or purchasing of spiritual things, which is
forbidden both by ecclesiastical law and natural law. Canon Law: (Ecclesiastical Law) Canon
1171 - Sacred things which are destined for divine worship through
dedication or a blessing are to be treated with reverence and not to be
employed for improper or profane use even if they are under the control
of private individuals. Canon 1190 - It is strictly forbidden to sell sacred relics. Canon 1376 - One who profanes a movable or immovable sacred thing is to be punished with a just penalty. The
purchasing or selling of spiritual things. The word is derived from the
biblical sorcerer Simon Magus, who attempted to buy spiritual powers
from the apostle Peter. (see Acts 8:18-24) Simony was a problem
in the Christian church from the time of the Edict of Milan (313), when
the church began to accumulate wealth and power, until modern times.
This is evident from the frequent legislation against it. In 451, the
Council of Chalcedon proscribed ordination for money; this prohibition
was reaffirmed by the Third Lateran Council in 1179 and by the Council
of Trent (1545-63). Simony was rampant from the 9th to the 11th century.
During that period simony pervaded church life on every level, from the
lower clergy to the papacy. At the time of the Reformation, major
abuses centered on the sale of indulgences and relics. Ecclesiastical
law forbids simony and condemns it as a sinful practice that bespeaks a
shallow understanding of spiritual values. Prohibited are all monetary
transactions surrounding blessed or consecrated religious objects,
prayers and masses (excluding ecclesiastically authorized offerings for
the support of the clergy), and church offices and promotions.Some
guidelines and clarifications are necessary for public relic exhibits:
In the spirit and the letter of the Law we have decided to establish set
of common guidelines for all member of the I.C.H.R. who exhibit relics
for public and/or private veneration.The first point is to address the
veneration fo Church approved Saints. In the Code of Canon Law, in the
section Public Cult of Saints/Blessed (Canon 1187), "Veneration through
public cult is permitted only to those servants of God who are listed in
the catalog of the saints or of the blessed by the authority of the
Church. This statement excludes all who have not been approved for
veneration by Rome including relics pertaining to; holy personages who
are 'servants of God', holy personages declared, 'venerable', items from
unapproved apparitions, visionaries, mystics, stigmatists and seers.
The term 'relic' may be extended to servant of God and venerable for
whom there is an official process. A holy and proper atmosphere is
imperative; relics are usually venerated in public by being exposed in
their cases (teca-reliquary), with burning candles upon the table.
Catholic individuals comply to the Code of Canon Law (Canon 1190, "It is
strictly forbidden to sell sacred relics." Canon 1171, " Sacred things
which are destined for divine worship through dedication or a blessing
are to be treated with reverence and not to be employed for improper or
profane use, even if they are under the control of private individuals",
Canon 1376, "One who profanes a movable or immovable or immovable
sacred thing is to be punished with a just penalty. Relics of Saints Offered for Sale! Important information for anyone looking for Holy Relics Are
you looking for an authentic relic for private or public veneration? If
so, please read the following warning and information. It may
sound like the Middle Ages, but unfortunately it ís all too true. At the
end of the Twentieth Century, on the eve of the Third Millennium, an
illicit trade in relics (authentic or otherwise) is flourishing. A
number of antique dealers and profiteers have somehow obtained relics of
the saints - fragments of their bodies or clothing, or even relics of
Jesus Christ such as splinters of the True Cross - and are selling them
at incredibly inflated prices, at enormous profit to themselves, without
any regard for the sacred character of these objects or for the law of
the Church (the source of these relics) which strictly forbids such
activities. These sales are taking place in antique shops and flea
markets and even on the internet. Typically hundreds of dollars are
charged for relics that originally must have been obtained from Church
sources for a minimal donation of perhaps $15.00. (as of 2006) Some
relics have even fetched over 1000 dollars, 95 percent of which is
profit for the dealer. The information provided by these dealers
is frequently inaccurate, and displays their ignorance of these
matters. Often they seem to want to ensnare vulnerable or desperate
people, for example by suggesting that the relics they are selling might
work miracles. The situation is made worse when relics are offered at
auction, as desperate people may go to any lengths thereby increasing
the dealer’s profit by bidding against each other. This trade is both
cynical and sacrilegious, and since it may be assumed that those who
wish to obtain relics are devout Christians of some sort, this
information has been posted here as a warning and a guide. First Class relics Dealers
sometimes state that the relics they offer are first class when there
is no evidence that this is so. They seem to assume that anything that
has been sealed into a theca (the round metal locket used to contain
relics) is a first class relic. Not so! Second and third class relics
are frequently distributed in this way. If the authentic document has
been lost and the label on the relic doesn’t say what it is, it cannot
be safely claimed that a relic is first class. Relics are Rare or Unique Dealers
try to maximize their profit by saying that a relic is rare or unique
or that ìt may be your only chance to obtain this highly sought after
relic, etc. This is just rubbish. Relics were, and are, distributed from
religious orders and from the relic office in Rome. Remember that the
items being sold were obtained from these sources originally without any
difficulty, and probably for about a twentieth of the price that you
are being asked to pay. Don’t be taken in! "Donation" When
relics are obtained from Church sources a donation is usually asked to
cover the cost of the theca (the metal container) and other expenses.
This is typically fifteen dollars (obviously more if the container is
silver etc.). Some dealers imitate this by saying that their inflated
price is a donation. Now, clearly, a donation is simply to cover costs.
Anything more than this is not a donation, it is a profit; you can call
it a donation or anything else if you want to but that won't alter the
facts. You are only paying for the container, the relic is a gift Just
try selling an empty theca and see how far you get... Relic cards and medals may be wrongly described. Small
cards and medals with relics stuck on them are distributed in very
large numbers by religious orders, often to promote a beatification or
canonization, and are either given away free or for a very nominal
donation. Usually these are third class relics of which there is an
unlimited supply. Dealers sometimes wrongly state that these relics are
pieces of the saint’s clothing, rare objects, etc. These have no
financial value, and there is no justification for charging anything
beyond the cost of postage for them. Papal seal Any
bishop or religious order can issue relics and attach their seals to the
theca and the accompanying document. The Pope, however, never does so
(he is a world leader who has more important things to do with his time -
for comparison, can you imagine the President of the USA personally
signing drivers licenses?). Claims that the seals are Papal just show
the ignorance of the dealer. How to Obtain a Relic It is
important to remember that you don’t have to own relics in order to
have the spiritual benefits of venerating them. All Catholic and
Orthodox Churches, and some Anglican (Episcopalian) ones, have relics,
at the very least sealed into the Altars, and sometimes on display in
large collections. You can visit these any time the Church is open.
Nonetheless, there is nothing wrong with desiring also to have your own
relics for private veneration if you can provide a suitable place for
them to be honored. Is it ever justifiable to buy relics from antique dealers? Sometimes,
yes, but caution is needed. While the sale of relics is sacrilege
(technically it is simony, the sale of spiritual goods, cf. Acts 8
18-24) it is permissible to buy relics in order to save them from
desecration. However, a principle of proportionality applies, that is,
the money offered should be in proportion to the good to be achieved.
Thus it would not be justifiable to purchase a relic if the good of
rescuing that relic was less (in a reasonable judgment) than would be
achieved by devoting the same amount of money to other objects such as
the poor or homeless. Thus, generally, it will not be justifiable to
spend very large amounts of money rescuing relics, although there may be
exceptional circumstances. The possibility that rescuing a relic may
encourage a market to develop should also be considered. Relics
should never be bought at auction, however - buyers just end up bidding
against other people who are also trying to rescue the relics. Legitimate Sources for Relics Parish
Churches and priests who wish to obtain first class relics for public
veneration may apply to the Vicariate in Rome. A vast store of relics is
preserved there for this purpose. You will need to provide proof of
status, and you may be asked for a letter from your Bishop to approve
the request. The Vicariate no longer distributes relics for private
veneration, in order to avoid abuses. Some religious orders and
jurisdictions do provide first class relics for private veneration. For
example the Mother Seton Shrine in Baltimore distributes first class
relics of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. The Eparchy of St. Maron of Brooklyn
sometimes has first class relics of Blessed Rafka and Blessed
Al-Hardini. In addition, if you go on pilgrimage to any shrine it is
worth asking in the official gift shop or sacristy as relics are
sometimes obtained from these sources. Relic cards and medals
with second or third class relics are widely available in Catholic
bookstores or from religious orders. If there is any particular saint
you are interested in look up the address of the provincial postulator
of their order in your local Catholic directory and write and ask. In
addition, you can make your own third class relics if you visit a
saint’s tomb just by touching the tomb with a piece of cloth. This
method is sanctioned by a very ancient tradition - there are records of
pilgrims to St. Peter’s tomb doing just this in the fifth century.
Thank you well written, and answered all of my question.
ReplyDeleteGod bless
Can I request a relic of St.Anthony of Padua?
ReplyDeleteHi can I request 3rd class relic of saint ANTHONY...thank you
ReplyDeleteSt Anthony is one of my favorite saint patron..when I was young
ReplyDeleteNow iam educated about venerated relics...would like to have the Tongue of St. Anthony..please
ReplyDeleteCan I have a third class relic of St anthony